Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Journey

Me new found obsession... rollercoasters!! So wouldn't Magic Mountain (6 flags) be the ideal Spring Break?! Well we thought so; on Sunday (3/15) we pack our bags and head up (well sideways) to California along with my Aunt Stacy, my Mom, my Dad, and my cousins: Micah, McKay, Trea, Regan, Jordan, Dallas, Chaz, and me. We arrive at the hotel at about 2:oo am and Chaz and I head down to the computers in the lobby to see what time Magic Mountain opens... well we find out that it is CLOSED all week. So great we just drove 400 miles for nothing. no. We decide the next morning to go to Disneyland and California Adventure; we also decided it best to put all the older kids in one car and the younger kids in another, so I end up in a car with 6 guys and a hour drive a head (great). Well we soon found out that following the most sophisticated navigation system in the world is easier said than done. We end up lost in East LA (splendid). When we finally figure out which way is up and which way is down,  and you know guys when they think too much they get hungry and, we HAD to stop and eat even though the park was only 15 minutes away but whatever. After we get back on the road again and get close to Disneyland they adults thought it would be best if we made our hotel arrangements before it is midnight and we have no where to sleep. Sure good idea except which hotel wouldn't cost us an arm and a leg to stay at; after a serious debate about which hotel to stay at they finally make a decision. Now that we have wasted another hour and a half we start heading back to Disneyland. Well getting into the park is the easy part parking is another story. Now 2 hours after we were 15 minutes away we finally get in line to buy tickets. We had our stroke of luck!! FINALLY!! We got park-hopper tickets for they price of just one park (because the lady we spoke to felt bad that all of our plans got changed). Well in our little party there is pretty much 4 age groups: the adults, they older kids, the younger older kids, and the little kids. Where do I fall in that spectrum? Right in the middle of the older kids and the younger older kids. Alrigtht so we are in the park and the adults tell the older kids that they can split off from the group and do whatever. They also tells this to the younger older kids well which group do I go with; I end up in a hour and 45 minutes line for Space Mountain with 5 guys (spectacular). And all the guys are fighting because they don't want the younger older kids there to but they want me to stay. So I convince the older kids to let the younger older kids stay with us and we go on space mountain. After that we decide to go on Matter Horn. That was a better experience considering there was no fighting and the line was only 45 minutes :]. But I somehow ended up spending $30 on 6 sodas and 2 churros! After the ride the older kids decide they are hungry again. However, we are supposed to be meeting the adults on the other side of the park in 5 minutes to go on Splash Mountain. So they ditch us and go to some mexican food place in Frontier Land and leave me and the younger older kids to tell that to the parent, meanwhile one of the adults gets lost alone and can't find Splash Mountain to save her life. When the adults, the little kids, the younger older kids, and me meet up in New Orleans Square the adults are freaking out because they dont know where the older kids are and wont listen to the younger older kids and I when we tell them that they are in a mexican restaurant in Frontier Land and none of the older kids will answer their phones. Then one parent goes one way to look for the older kids and another goes the opposite direction. Now it is just me, the little kids, the younger older kids, and 1 of the adults standing there. Well the adult with us tells us to go with the other adult while he goes after the one that went in the opposite direction. So we do that then she tells all the other kids except me to go into Tarzan's Tree House and then tells me she has to go to the bathroom and to wait by the exit until the kids come out. Well the kids came out 15 minutes later and no sign of any of the adults. Ten minutes goes by and then my parents reappear and get mad because now my Aunt Stacy (the one who went to the bathroom) is missing and we now know that only 2 of the 3 older kids are eating and the other is sitting by a petrified tree somewhere. My aunt then comes back and we head off to the mexican food place that we now know the location of . By this point everyone is hungry except the 2 older kids that ate and I have a migraine. So those 2 older kids split off again and the rest of us go eat. We finish eating and my migrain is now worse and we need to go get our jackets out of the lockers because it is almost sunset and it is pretty cold. We left the restaurant at 6:15pm that gives us 30 minutes to make it back to Frontier Land and use our fast passes on Thunder Mountain Railroad. Well my mom and my aunt have really bad ankles and their feet start hurting like crazy and we make it to the lockers at 6:30pm and my mom decides that she has to go to the bathroom and is walking at 1inch per minute. So me, my Aunt Stacy, the little kids, and the younger older kids head off the Thunder Mountain Railroad. However, my dad stays with my mom and he has the fast passes. So we make it to Thunder Mountain at 6:35 somehow and are waiting anxiously for my parents. They get there with 30 seconds to spare! By this point the 3rd older kid has now split off to find his group. When we get off of Thunder Mountain, the older kids appear out of thin air and tell us they are going on the big boat in Frontier Land, while the rest of us head off to stand in the hour and 45 minutes line for Space Mountain. We are about half way through the crazy series of lines for Space Mountain and the older kid have just gotten in line for it. So we invite them to come get in line with us and they wont for some reason. Now my migrain is horrible and I was dying so I take some medicine and it dies down. We go on Space Mountain and my migraine comes back twice as worse and now there is fireworks booming in my ear. One of the little kids is tired and my anut and my mom are gonna take her to the hotel. So me, my dad, Trea (one of the littler kids), and the younger older kids are waiting for the older kids who are still in line for Space Mountain and the fireworks finally stopped. Well the older kids about 25 minutes later (10:40pm) come out the enterance of Space Mountain and tell us that right when they were about to get on, it closed.  They also add that they are going to go back over to Frontier Land and go on Thunder Mountain Railroad.  So me, my dad, the younger kids, and the younger older kids decide to go on the Matter Horn and my migraine is getting progressively worse.  Well the younger older kids decide that they are gonna scream like little girls on the Matter Horn the ENTIRE time.  Lets just say that it echoed so loud it could b heard from Thunder Mountain Railroad (the older kids heard it.) That did not help my migraine at all, not one bit. We meet the older kids at Thunder Mountain and decide there is nothing else we want to do so we start making the long trek back to the cars.  My head hurts SO bad I swear I was like so close to dying it was not even funny but no one at Disney Land seemed to care.  AT ALL!! The escalator that transported you from the ground to the upper levels of the parking garage was broken, and EVERYONE was stomping up it and I started crying (which I never do) my head pounding so bad.  We finally reach the top level of the garage but I still have a 15 minute car ride ahead with 6  rambunctious boys (marvelous).  My dad told them they better keep quiet or either she (me) or you is gonna die.  NOT ONE PEEP CAME FROM ANY OF THEM!! It was truly a miracle.  However, right when we got to the hotel I jumped out of the car a puked, then went right upstairs and went to bed.  Well I guess while I was a sleep my Aunt had gotten in a fight with the hotel lady and everything got all screwed up.  The next morning we decide we only have 4 hours at California Adventure (from 8am when it opens) because people had to get back and work and stuff.  Well my group (consisting of me, my parents, and Chaz my cousin (one of the older kids) arrives at California at 10am so that leaves 2 hours to get everything done.  We accomplish everything we wanted to do somehow and with time to spare.  We went on the orange, tower of terror, and california screamin 8 times!!  Well part of the part that got screwed up at the hotel was that my Aunts group didn't get a complimentary continental breakfast at the hotel, so they were starving and we all decide to eat out side the park.  Sure great idea!! Well, basically something happened so, but, then my cousin Micah (older kid) got in trouble and my aunt forgot about our group and left us. So ya the entire trip was sorta crazy to say the least!! You know the funny part is that I was really busy all of March and it is now (4/16) that I am writing this post (novel) and all I remember is all the small details and stuff not so much the rides.  My theory is that the same is true with life you know.  Like it is the journey that you are going to remember.  So make it a good journey.